In the wake of recent floods that have devastated homes and communities across the nation, many Americans remain without
flood insurance coverage. Even if you think your property is not at risk, take a moment to consider these alarming facts:
1) 94% of Americans are without Flood Insurance!
2) In the past five years, all 50 states have experienced floods or flash floods!
3) Floods are the most common natural disaster in the United States with total averaged claims nearly $3.9 billion per year!
4) During a 30 year mortgage you are 27 times more likely to experience a flood than a fire!
5) During Hurricane Harvey, only 20% of homeowners had Flood insurance and 70% of the losses occurred outside of the mandatory purchase areas!
Homeowners and renters policies do not cover flood damage; only Flood Insurance can protect you from damage resulting from a flooding event. In addition to hurricanes
and heavy rainfall, other causes of flooding include urbanization, wildfires, mudflows, winter storms, and snowmelt runoff. In fact, a Flood Insurance policy covers the
unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source affecting two or more properties (one of which is yours).
Please call The Russell Agency at 203.255.2877 to learn more about protecting your home from flood damage.