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The Russell Agency, LLC Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

So … you’re getting a divorce

If you and your spouse are separating or getting a divorce, give our agency a

call. We can help you sort through your insurance policies to get them updated

to reflect your current status. Legally separating spouses should be mindful of

the following insurance concerns: 

Homeowners insurance. Update any homeowners insurance policy to reflect

the name of the spouse remaining in the home. Obtain an updated deed or

divorce decree. The person staying in the house should continue to be the named

insured if his or her name is still on the deed. The person leaving the home

can become an additional interest—if his or her name also remains on the

deed. Separate homeowners or renters insurance should be purchased for the

new residence of the departing spouse. If both spouses leave the house, notify

us of the vacancy date, so we can help you obtain a policy for the vacant or

unoccupied residence. Also, notify us once your personal property is removed

or added to your home, so your personal property coverage can be updated.

Auto insurance. Auto insurance after a divorce largely depends on living

arrangements and where cars will be kept. If you are living together, you both

can remain on the same policy, or get separate policies.

If you live apart, regardless of divorce status, give us a call. We’ll review your

policy and situation and help you figure out if you need a separate policy, or if

your original policy will cover you. The family’s teenage drivers should be listed

on the residence that is their primary home, otherwise both parents might pay

a full premium for each child!

Life insurance. Keeping life insurance on a party providing alimony or child

support could avoid loss of income if that person passes away. Also consider keeping

or purchasing more coverage on the party responsible for caring for any children

(funds for premiums on such policies can even be included in the divorce decree).

Changing the beneficiary of an existing policy may make sense if you do not have

children. You should review all other beneficiary designations on retirement,

bank, investment, and other asset accounts and group insurance (through

an employer).

The ring … Was an engagement ring insured by a separate policy or

an extension of your homeowners (or renters) insurance? Make sure it reflects

the proper owner and financially maintain it to ensure continued

protection (unless you pawned it).